Use of technology

  • Nowadays, it is practically unthinkable to work in education (and other areas) without using digital tools and social media. It is essential though, that we all learn how to use it responsibly, intelligently and purposefully (i.e. not just for the sake of it!). Here are most of the digital tools and social media we used throughout our project, to create digital content, disseminate some of our work and communicate with each other (we left out Instagram, although it was massively used by all our students!):

    Digital tools were used to enrich some of the project activities, for example Flipgrid,, Canva (fact easily proved in other pages), and to disseminate our work. We always had in mind internet safety, data-protection and copy-right issues. All partner schools dealt with copy right issues and dedicated time in training pupils in that field. At the begining of the year, parental approval was signed for pupils to be members of the etwinning platform and the possibility of  uploading material ( photos, videos) there or on the school webpages. Here are some examples of declarations al parents filled in concerning the use of image and sound in school projects, including eTwinning and Erasmus projects: