

    Etiquette is essential in life...and in the the Internet! Have a look on this decision tree. It aims to think about the importance of publishing on the Net in a properly way. After, make your contribution on the "The big tour netiquette code".

    1. Think a simple roule to encourage people to behave and act properly.

    2. Click on add item

    3. Add a an emoticon/image created with sketchpad related to your rule.

  • My code's rule for "The big tour"

    Think before acting

    When working, try to think twice. Reflect on your ideas and express it in a polite way. Be calm and do not rush. (Miriam Salinas, Spain)

    Protect your identity

    In addition to protecting your computer and your data, you also protect your identity. Always think about what you want to share and with whom you want to share it. (Lucia Miháliková, Slovakia)


    Do not post photos or videos that are personal then it can be used against you.

    Think about everything you do on internet

    Although you can say that you have nothing that could take Internet cheaters, the opposite is true. Anyone can get your personal data, and sell it on the black market. Your data can be misuse to create false profiles or other things.
    If you have only minor doubts, do not click on the links inserted into too good looking e-mail offers or messages sent through social media.
    (Zuzana Šošková, Slovakia)

    Be careful on internet

    We need to be careful what we post on social media. If we post something that is too personal we can delete it,but we dont know where it can end before we delete it. So let s think about what we put on the internet before someone will use it against you. (Vanesa Klimová,Slovakia)

    Safe internet

    A few types of how to protect yourself on the Internet:
    1.Do not click on suspicious links
    2.Do not use unsecured and unknown Wi-Fi networks
    3.Update the software on your devices
    4.The basis is a quality password
    5.Guard your personal data
    6.Don't post too much detail
    7.Be careful about internet acquaintances
    8.Don't underestimate the antivirus program
    (Ivana Čillíková, Slovakia)

    Respect on the internet (Ana Roldán IES Medina Albaida)

    When you post something, be respectul and kind with the others.

    Don't share your personal information

    Don't share where do you live, where do you study, or where you usually go. Because it can be very dangerous, if someone that you don't know and with bad intentions have that information of you. Be careful because you don't really know your internet friends. (Teresa Ansón and Lan Yu Jiang - IES Medina Albaida ,Spain)

    Don't trust everyone (Ies Medina Albaida, Jara Nogales)

    When you are on the internet, especially on social media, you can't trust all people you talk with. When you are on your instagram, facebook... just accept as followers people you know, if you are going to show your face, personal things...
    It's a good idea to have your account private too, so you always know who is watching your posts.
    You can't ever be sure if the people on the other side of the mobile phone is the person you think, so you have to be really careful.

    think about thinks( Izarbe Moraz IESMedina Albaida)

    If you have a public account think about what you post because maybe after you can feel bad.

    BE CAREFULL WHO MEET YOU ONLINE WORLD (Aya and Cristina, IES Medina Albaida)

    the online world is not reliable because you can be deceived and be talking to a less expected person (older people)

    Don't show all of you on internet

    Take care on internet, because you can be hurt. Enjoy the real world and the moment, you don't have to be all of your time on internet. When you spend to much time on the internet you can miss things you will regret later. For example, maybe you regret all that time with your friends, your family...
    (Luna Muniesa, IES Medina Albaida)

    Are you sure you want to uplaud that?

    Before uploading something to the Internet, or to any scocial network, ask yourserlf this questions: Could it be dangerous for me to post that? Could someone unknown guess privite information about me?
    If your are not sure about the answers, try to ask your parents. They can tell you if posting that could be dangerous or if it is completely safe.
    (Lucía Ojeda, Spain)

    Unknown people (Edward Javier,IES Medina Albaida)

    Don't talk to unknown people,it can be a bad person.

    Think twice what you hang on the internet.

    Once you hang something on the internet, you will never get it out of there.

    Unknown poeple

    Don't judge people if you don't know them.

    How we should express ourselves on the internet

    We didn't have to spend much time on the Internet, and when we talk to someone, we should be polite and kind. (Tereza Tomaščíková Slovakia)

    our personal data

    We have to be very careful on the internet. We shouldn't write our personal data (phone number,age...) on social media headless, because it could be misused be someone against us.
    (Nikola Vojteková,Slovakia)

    Rule-don't be vulgar

    We should express our opinion decently. We should learn to discuss and behave decently and tolerantly on the Internet. We can emotionally hurt other people with vulgarism, and we should be careful about that.

    Be safe on internet

    we can protect ourselves so that he will not send naked photos to anyone. do not send anyone your data and residence. and pay attention to any photo or video you see


    There are many people dependent on mobile phone. But sometimes we don't realize what we are adding to social networks and others can abuse or mock. Be careful and never disclose personal data such as: address, phone number, credit card, civil or driver's license ...
    (Nela Liptáková,Slovakia)

    Be careful what you put on the internet.

    When you publish something on the itnernet, you must be avare that it can stay there forever. Therefore think about what you publish on internet. "Online world" is not careful for you, because you can be decived so easy and you can talking for example with old person and you dont know that you talking whit this person.

    Be careful on internet

    Never publish any your data on internet or data of your friends if you have some .

    Aylin FILIZ TEK (Halil Inalcık Anatolian High School)

    The Internet presents a world of opportunities for people, but it also threatens them with inappropriate content, cyberbullying.That's why we should use the internet safely and securely without giving private information. We should be aware about cybercriminal. We shouldn't trust anyone. Also, we should use appropriate language, I mean we should be polite. We should respect others' privacy.

    Meryem ERBAŞ Mehmet Akif Ersoy Secondary School
    Do not spread waste

    It is mainly a mass distribution of annoying e-mails. A good example are also emails such as: "10 times you scratch your left heel, break 3 light bulbs, find 5 cuckoo eggs and you will get what you want". The vast majority of people delete such emails as soon as they are received. You will waste time sending them unnecessarily, and you can also make fun of yourselves. (Šimon Galček, Slovakia)


    Think twice when ur gonna post something. If ur not sure about it , don't.


    Participating in this project with respect and responsabily for us and for others.
    Agata, Italy

    Safe Posting

    Always remember to think of what are you posting on every platforms, do not post your personal information or your face, you don't know who's going to see your posts.

    Nicole, Italy

    Using etwinning

    It's important to use this platform coscientiously and to use it not for personal purposes.
    Alice, Italy

    My rule for etwinning

    In my opinion to be able to continue this project you have to think and reflect before writing anything. (Gloria, Italy)

    Being Respectful

    We can contribute to this project with interest and commitment. We have to be respectful and friends!
    (Chiara De Fusco Loreto,Italy)


    This project is very very important so we have to be correct, educated and responsable. We must use the platform appropriately. (Lorenzo italy)

    Think twice before writing

    Before someone writes something on internet, they have to think twice and ask questions to themselves, like: "What I wrote is okay? Is the lenguage I used correct?" Sofia Italy

    try your best

    Where are working together even we dont know each other so it is difficult. But we should try to do our best.


    You can meet any one on the internet. First of all, when you meet them, you have to be polite. Talk with the person like if you are strangers, because in the end that is what you are, strangers. Use a good vocabulary, you can't treat a stranger as your friend. Don't use unappropiate words such as bad, and offensive words.


    The most frequently dangers of the internet are : When you put in internet information of your private life , the fake news and the adiction to this types of social media. I recomend you to be careful with your social networks and don't post personal things .

    Don't post others pictures without permission

    You're completely free to post whatever you want, but to post a picture of someone who isn't you, you must ask permission first. If you don't ask first and the person didn't want that picture online, you might break your friendship or even be reported! So make sure to always ask first. (Isabel Pérez, Spain)

    Taking it serious and respect people. Iñaki Moliner Cruces Íes Medina Albaida Spain.

    It’s a reality that when we are behind the screen, we feel more confortable but we can’t forget to respect the other person and taking him serious because it’s a person, normally when we insult in internet we do not care and because of this there are lots of cases of abuse on the internet and that os a really big problem.

    DANGERS OF THE INTERNET (Inés Oliver, IES Medina Albaida)

    Internet and social media can be really dangerous. You must be careful with the things you post on social media or the things you do with the Internet, because if you aren't carefull other people can discover things about you private life.


    Sometimes we act different when we are behind a screen, because we don't have to be face to face with the persons, so we sometimes say what we think without taking care about the feelings of the other persons, but we must think if what we are going to publish is going to hurt someone before publishing it.

    Be respectful with everyone (Ceres Latre , IES Medina Albaida)

    Things can be misinterpreted , for this reason , we should take care about the things we say and think before saying something because we don't know how it could affect others.

    Be careful abut your content (Javier Ferrer, IES Medina Albaida)

    Think before you upload something, because when you publish anything all the people can see it and can do whatever they want with that, so you must be careful and think if it can give problems to you before upload it.

    Be careful, you never know who is talking at you (alba, zaragoza)

    We need to be careful if we are talking with someone by social media, a lot of bad people can cheat you and tell you that they are your friends but maybe they are't. NEVER send embarasing photos because you never know if the person who you are sending the pfoto is your friend.

    Respect the work of the others

    If someone makes something eaven if you don,t like it you should respect it because he or she has worked hard doing it.(Olivia Lopez de Uralde )

    Protect yourself from strangers(Álvaro Guerrero, España)

    Un Internet are a lot of strangers n' we need to be careful because you dont know It they are bad people or hackers

    Information dissemination (Marcos Adiego IES Medina Albaida)

    It is important to spread information that is important or important to everyone that may affect you.
    But there are other types of information that can be false or dangerous because of what the person who receives it can take it to do.

    Careful and responsible use of the internal message system

    Refrain from sending too many messages to teachers with whom you are not working. Before contacting a user: check their profile; check if they are available for projects; make sure your message is relevant. Do not send the exact same message to more eTwinners.

    Only post relevant and appropriate comments on people’s posts

    When posting a comment on somebody else’s profile, make sure it is relevant to the user. Comments must be for individuals and related to the user’s post. Do not write the same comment to more users.
    Giulia Truong, Italy.

    Stop cyberbullism and bullism

    Etwinning does not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment,NO to direct threats bullying or any form of harassemt .

    Careful and responsible use of the internal message system

    Refrain from sending too many messages to teachers with whom you are not working. Before contacting a user: check their profile; check if they are available for projects; make sure your message is relevant. Do not send the exact same message to more eTwinners.

    Sofia Tombolini, Italy

    2. No to direct threats, bullying or any form of harassment

    eTwinning does not tolerate any form of bullying or harassment. If you are a victim of cyberbullying or if someone is threatening you while using eTwinning spaces (public or private), report the message or contact your National Support Organization. Remember that anyone who stats these actions against another user of the platform will be definitively banned by eTwinning.


    Members of etwinning need to be respectful when dealing with their peers in order to interact with each other. (Asia Italy)


    We shouldn't keep in touch with anyone who we don't know. We should inform our parents about mishaves of others. We should use safe passwords.


    Pay atention to ur online friends,cause we dont know who they are.


    You have to be careful with strangers on the internet, not only because they are not what they say, but because they can extract personal data from you and can do things to you.

    For Safe Internet

    We need to be careful on the Internet. For example, the passwords and accounts we use can be stolen. For example, we should not be intimate with people we do not know on the Internet. It can cause serious problems. ( Lorin Kalmaz - Turkey )