Online meetings

  • Here we will share photos, docs and info related to our online meetings. 

    Link to the meeting


    1st meeting between Czech and Italian students - 15th December 2021

    2nd meeting between Czech and Italian students - 16th December 2021


    Here are some pics from the online activity


    Some more pics are in materials-images-videoconference.


    Meetings in May between Italian and Czech students.

    During these last two meetings students asked each other questions on the project, on their teachers and on schools. They also had the chance of virtually visiting both schools. It was amazing! 

    Here are some pics from the last meetings. 


    Feedback from the students

    Dear students here is a tricider where to leave your opinion on the online meeting.

    Here are some pics taken after the meetings in May where Italian students gatehred in circlo and spoke their opinion on the porject and on the online meetings together with their English teacher and with the Headmistress. 


    Meeting in May between Czech and Moldovan students.


    Meeting in June between Czech and Bulgarian students.