Project plan

  • 1) October 2021: Introduction

    The project will be started with an introduction activity that will involve simple funny challenges for other teams (students will introduce themselves in a video plus will add a challenge for others – e.g. tongue twister  or a simple short song in their mother tongue, original dance move, taking a similar photo etc. – other teams would choose two or more challenges and try to do the same – e.g. sing the song in a foreign language, try to do similar dance moves etc. - this would start the collaboration well and I think students would like it 🙂)


    2) November/December 2021: Explore and be creative

    Students will work in small teams. Their goal will be to create a game using cardboard.
    Teams will explore DIY tutorials (there are many on Pinterest, YouTube etc. – e.g. The goal is to find some inspiration, but to create something original.


    3)  November/December 2021: Let's start creating!

    Teams (at our school I would like to work with groups of 4 – 5 students) at each school will start creating their prototypes. They will make a video/take photos and add descriptions. 
    Optional: They can transform their cardboard game in an electrical game using leds, sounds, etc. (Italian students will try to do it)


    4) January 2022: Present and Give feedback

    Foreign teams will give each other feedback (e.g. What we like, What could be improved, What we like best about your work).


    5) January/February 2022: Improve and promote

    Teams will work on improving their product, come up with a name for their product and they will work on promotion activities – e.g. they could choose creating a video advert, package, poster…


    5)  March 2022: Present, Give feedback and show

    Again, students will present their work to their foreign peers, they will give each other feedback.
    Students would show their final products – e.g. in a collaborative video/online board/they could exhibit their work at school etc.  


    6)  April 2022: Use your product wisely 

    At the end /or at the beginning/, each team will decide how they will use the final product(s) – it could be a gift for a kindergarten, younger students, disabled children or people, retirement home, their class or school so that they can have fun during breaks, they might want to sell it and donate the raised money etc.


    7) April/May 2022: Final evaluation

    Final evaluation (e.g. eTwinning Forum with questions such as What have we learned? What did you enjoy? What was the hardest task? What would we do differently? etc.)