VOŠ, SPŠ automobilní a technická, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
VOŠ, SPŠ automobilní a technická is the largest technical vocational high school in the South Bohemian Region, providing education in several engineering, automotive and transport fields. The school currently has 1364 pupils, of which 1196 at secondary schools and 168 are at technical vocational high schools. The school offers education in four-year study fields ending with a school-leaving examination (areas: Autotronics, Motor Vehicle Diagnostics, Vehicle Construction and Design, Traffic Operation and Economics, Production Logistics, Mechanic Adjuster, Mechatronics), in three-year study fields ending with an apprenticeship certificate and three-year high school study in full-time and combined form ( Fields: Diagnostics and service of road vehicles, Operation and economics of transport, Engineering production, Electrical engineering).