ART in TURKEY ready to get MIXED!



    Think of your country’s precious art moments, the moments that proved in the past and will endlessly prove in the future the artful way of thinking, feeling and creating in your country!

    Search in your National Art Galleries, search in your virtual museums sites or even use the site to find emblematic artefacts people in your country have so far created.

    Upload in the Twinboard below the artefact as a picture and give

     in the TITLE: the “name” of the artefact and the name of the creator , eg. “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo Da Vinci

    in the DESCRIPTION: the year of creation, the Gallery where one can see the artefact and your name, eg. 1503-1519 ad, Louvre, Paris- posted by (your name)

    Precious ARTEFACTS in my country!


  • Which of the Turkish paintings is the one you like the most? As soon as you make up your mind, go on VOTING FOR IT!
    “Üsküdar” by İbrahim Çallı
    1 vote (2.86%)
    "Street View" by Nazmi Ziya Güran
    2 votes (5.71%)
    “Mihrap” by Osman Hamdi Bey
    1 vote (2.86%)
    “Girl in the Workshop” Halil Pasha Asker
    3 votes (8.57%)
    “Women Playing The Oud On The Promenade” by Müfide Kadri
    10 votes (28.57%)
    Hale Asaf
    0 votes (0%)
    “Concert” by Hamit Görele
    1 vote (2.86%)
    "Pomegranates and Quinces" by Şeker Ahmed Pasha (1906)
    0 votes (0%)
    “Deer In The Forest” by Halid Naci (1875-1927)
    9 votes (25.71%)
    “Tophane” by Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu
    0 votes (0%)
    "The Lakeside" by Hoca Ali Rıza
    2 votes (5.71%)
    “The Tortoise Trainer” by Osman Hamdi Bey
    0 votes (0%)
    “Yörük Village” by Turgut Zaim
    0 votes (0%)
    “The Jazz Band” by Fikret Mualla
    1 vote (2.86%)
    “The Picture of Happiness” by Abidin Dino
    5 votes (14.29%)