• In this Page we are to present the Greek-Italian twinreading adventure. Students will come to know two emblematic figures of the Greek and Italian literature, discuss, revise, think and create together. Let the adventure begin!


    Let’s Discover the power of graphic design

    by re-designing

    the Book Covers of HELEN and PINOCCHIO!


    1. Start reading the book. Make sure that you are familiar with the main characters and ideas of the book.
    2. Look carefully at the existing book cover of the edition suggested by your partners.
    3. Decide which elements would you like to change: colours, pictures, design, order, focus, power of handwritten type  et.c.
    4. Think of the the book’s plot, characters, tone and style.
    5. The cover needs to be accurate, evocative, attention-grabbing and true to the book’s style.
    6. Use free apps, such as Spark adobe, Postermywall, Canva or just Power Point or Word.
    7. Do not hesitate to draw something unique with your pens and brushes!
    8. Upload your stunning and jaw-dropping creations on this padlet  Do not forget to drop a polite positive comment on others creations.
    9. Keep in mind that for both our books there is a great cover just waiting to be discovered!!!





    Let’s become EDITORS & REDACTORS of our Web Magazine!!!

    Don't you feel like writing a letter to Pinocchio or Helen, Geppetto, the Lovely Maiden with Azure Hair, Theoclymenus or Menelaus? If yes, then go for it!




    1. Choose one character and think of what you would like to tell him.
    2. Start writing a letter!
    3. Save the letter as a word archive in your PC.
    4. Send your teacher an email announcing that your letter is ready!
    5. Your teacher will send you then a link inviting you to become a Magazine Redactor, that is you can create a page of our collaborative magazine: you choose a template of an article or editorial, edit the photos/pictures by uploading yours, edit the text by uploading your letter and write at the page bottom your NAME & SCHOOL
    6. Your teacher will be notified by email automatically about your post and can return the page to you, if needed for editing.
    7. Teacher then updates the Magazine Contents
    8. Once all pages have been gathered, the teacher chief editor publishes the Magazine!



    Helen-Pinocchio_Letters-to-both-of-them A4 Pro printing.pdf



    Let’s get ready to meet each other!!!

    Join the Twinboard below!!!

    Go to and use the voting code 3758 6180  to join the first wordcloud and the voting code 83 73 32 5 to join the second one!








    Here are some pictures from the meeting.


  • My questions to partners about their book: get prepared for the answers to be given during our online meeting!


    Is studying Pinocchio part of your literature lessons according to your curriculum? If yes, how often does this book/texts from the book appear in your school life as a thematic to study on?

    Simou Thomais

    Why some of the book characters didn't emerge in corresponding film productions?

    Paola Gargiulo - teacher

    In your opinion, why does Euripides represent Helen in a positive way with respect to the Greek literary tradition?

    Valentina La Mura

    In the First part of the book, Helen hasn't known Menelaus is alive, yet. The choir invites her to be strong and patient but she believes the words of the "stranger" and so the death of her husband. We're wondering who exactly the stranger is.

    Angelica Rispoli

    We have read Helen and talked about her story in our classes,but do you read or study it in your literature lessons? If so, which version do you study?

    Naya Gkounti

    Why do you think the writer puts so much pressure on Pinocchio not to make mistakes and to always follow the right path?

    Pupils from 2A Classical Lyceum

    Theoclymenes and Helen are arranging the fake funeral for Menelaus. How can Menelaus hide his identity in front of Theoclymenes and dress up as a shipwrecked man whitout arousing suspects?

    Mariagrazia Fusco

    The character of Helen by Euripides is very different from Helen Homer’s version.
    Helen by Euripides is an honourable woman, fair and faithful with a strong personality taking care of her reputation. Could you explain the reason for these two different versions?

    Christina Netsika

    I believe that << The adventures of Pinochio >> is a very intresting book . But my question is , why Pinochio is very confused and takes wrong decisions and also tends to trust very easily unkowns ? Does the author use this as a technique to make the plot more intresting ?

    2C Technical School for Tourism

    Is Mythology part of ordinary life in Greece?Do you currently read books, learn it at school or maybe even talk about mythological characters?If so, our question is :what is the most popular image of Helen, how is she most widely represented,as the Homeric seductive adultery or as the faithful lover of the Euripides version?

    De Stefano Maria - Milo Rosamaria

    On page 4 there is the figure of Hermes, Elena says that he was the only god who protected and supported her. But how did he do that? By encouraging her or hiding her from everyone?

    polychroniadou vasiliki

    does the fact that pinocchio is made out of wood mean something special? or is it random that the boy is a marionette?

    Kalliopi Kountourouda

    Why didn't the Fairy help Pinocchio in the first place?