Collaboration between schools


    At the beginning of the project we planned the project timeline and tasks that were divided between the partners, where we set a different coordinator for different tasks. Teachers agreed to communicate via monthly emails and on Twinspace to work on the set activities for each month.

    Timeline of the activities:

    • In September students presented themselves and teachers took photos and videos. We used Chatterpix and avatar makers to protect their identity and to make the videos appealing. Then we exchanged first words in English and each class could find new words to learn.
    • Our students’ videos:
    • In October, we learned classroom vocabulary, my schoolbag, in the street topis and created a collaborative Book creator where all our Wordwall, Quizlet sets or similar quizzes were embedded.
    • School, classroom activities:
    • In November, we learned about breakfast, morning routine and healthy habits so we created a collaborative poster (food pyramid) with Canva. Additionally, students added their voices of pronouncing the words to create interactive dictionaries of the vocabulary we learned.
    • Breakfast, morning routine:
    • In December we focused on Christmas activities, acts of kindness, so we created an advent calendar, for each day another partner created a digital tool of their own choice (card, video, song, puzzle, colouring page etc.) by using Advent Calendar - AdventMyFriend.
    • Advent Calendar:
    • In January we learned the ABCs so each partner created one page in a collaborative booklet (Google Slides) for each letter of the alphabet and added students’ drawings of the vocabulary we learned so far. We also developed a collaborative ABC song where we connected our separate videos into the common one.
    • ABCs:
    • In February, we worked on Valentines and farm animals so we created paper crafts and shared them in a collaborative presentation on Google Slides.
    • Animals, Valentines:
    • In March we worked on spring and plants, students were working in international teams where they explored the nature and learned vocabulary such as flowers, plants and trees as well as the life cycle of a plant. They also planted plants in their classrooms and observed their growth.
    • Spring, plants:
    • In April we learned about colours and toys and created various games and digital resources together (flashcards, digital games/quizzes/puzzles, word searches). We also had storytelling and role-play activities based on picturebook “A Very Hungry Caterpillar”. For Earth Day we explored what colours is our planet and shared our findings.
    • Earth Day:
    • In May we continued to work on nature around us and began finalizing the project with evaluation and dissemination activities. Teachers prepared students, parents and teachers questionnaires as well as teamwork assessment and self-assessment rubrics.
    • Final activities of assessment analysis and dissemination will be done in June when our project will be closed.
    • Assessment: Dissemmination:

    Pupils worked on all the activities with their respective teachers, but participated in all collaborative activities by sharing their own and exploring resources other partners have created. It was an endless source of learning for all the students.


    Final products were completed after each activity as it can be seen in Twinspace in the provided links.