12.1. Commented results of the student assessment

  • Initial Assessment

    Before we start working with Latin quotations and Latinisms, we want you to test your previous knowledge on this topic. To do so, answer this initial questionnaire which you will repeat at the end of the project to check the improvement of your linguistic competence.

    Final assessment

    Commented results:

    There is an improvement of the results in relation to the normal score to the mean value and to the range.

    Satisfaction survey for students.

    Commented results:

    1-88.8% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project I have discovered the meaning and use of some latinisms.


    2-94.5% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project I understand better the meaning of some Latin quotations.

    3-74.9% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project I improved my knowledge of Latin grammar. 

    4-89.3% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project, I improved my language skills in English. 

    5-77.8% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project, I improved my digital skills (ICT).

    6-88.8% of students have valued between 3 and 5 points out 5 the following statement: Thanks to the project, I estimate more the advantages of multilingualism. 

    The best things about the project for students have been:

    -I enjoyed participating in the logo contest.(63.9%).

    -I enjoyed designing and voting for the images for the Gallery of Latinisms.(52.8 %)

    -I enjoyed participating in the collaborative creation of the Latin Quotes Glossary. (44.4%)