12. Assessment / Evaluatio

  • 1-Type of assessment: formative and summative.

    Formative: we intend to assess the collaborative work of each student inside the international working team to improve the adquisition of competencies.

    Summative: we want to assess the products during the school year to know if the student acquired the competencies for the academic evaluation.

    2-Time for assessment: continuous assessment.

    The project has been included in the schedule of several subjects at different educational levels (Latin, English and ICT in Secondary and Post-Secondary education), therefore, it has counted both for the mark of each partial evaluation and for the final grade of each student.

    3-Scope of the assessment: students, families and teachers.

    The assessment has taken into account both the project participants and their families.

    4-Tools for the assessment: rubrics for the school academic evaluation and surveys.

    4a-Rubrics (Achievement indicators):

    Logo contest: Assessment Rubric

    1st Product: Latin Quotes Glossary.Rubric

    2nd Product: Gallery of Latinsms Rubric

    3rd Product: Liber Novus Incantamentorum Rubric

    4b- Surveys:

    Initial assessment questionnaire.

    Final assessment questionnaire.

    Satisfaction survey for students.

    Satisfaction survey for teachers.

    Satsfaction survey for families.