Individual Assignment #3

  • # IA3 "Challenges & Opportunities for gender equal Societies"


    • What: Submission of a presentation on “Challenges & Opportunities for gender equal Societies”, ingrained in a strong education system. Teachers will fill in a Google Slide on how the countries deal or introduce the issue of Gender Equality (SDG 5) in their educational contexts in different academic subjects and record an oral presentation on flipgrid.

    • Why:  All the submissions  will be published on the project’s Twinspace and compiled in an ebook for the “Awareness Creation Campaign” (team assignment 1). ASEF will publish a few articles on the ASEFEdu Medium Blog and its social media channels to contribute to knowledge exchange.  


    When: 22/10/2021 to 10/11/2021

    How: - Option1: Download the PPT MODEL

              - Option 2: Make your own copy of GOOGLE SLIDE MODEL

    Where: On the mural below. You can use this LINK to access it directly.