Individual Assignment #1

  • Assignment 1: Preparation for the group 1 discussion on “How do I experience the aspect of gender? – A Story from my school”

    • What: Participants reflect on how they experience the aspect of gender in their school during their day-to-day teaching practices and school environment. Each participant should prepare a contribution in the form of their choice that can be:
      •  a video (up to 1-minute) or
      • an audiofile (up to 1-minute) or
      • a paragraph (100-150 words) 
    • Why: This will allow the other participants to better understand different cultural contexts and school environments and share their thoughts.  All the submissions  will be published on the project’s Twinspace and we will make a selection for the “Awareness Creation Campaign” (team assignment 1 ).


    Please, upload your contribution on the Padlet below.
