👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 European Day of Languages

  • European Day of Languages 26 Seprember


    👉We will participate  by each school creating video with the students greeting their collegues in their own languange(and if you want on English)

    The video links will be merged into a representative video of our program. 


    🙌🔊At our invitation, Europeans eTwinners share their activities and we all celebrate the European Day of Languages together!!!



    • 🎞Our videos..

      Κalliopi-Lina Kinigopoulou 32th Kindergarten,Thessaloniki Greece

      Celebrating the European Day of Languages!

      Evangelia Papathanasiou 8th Kindergarten Kalamata - Greece

      We celebrate the European Day of Languags ! We say hello and good morning in Greek , Italian and Serbian

      Kindergarten of Chorafakia Chania Crete

      Celebrating the European Day of Languages, greeting in Greek and English at different times of the day.

      Frat.lli Cervi Noverasco Italy Orsetti🐻

      The European Day of Languages ​​is an initiative of the Council of Europe and the European Commission, celebrated every year on 26 September.
      The main objectives of the day are:
      • raise awareness of the importance of language learning;
      • promote rich linguistic diversity
      history and culture present in Europe;
      • encourage lifelong language learning in and out of school

      EDINA ĐOROVIĆ Šumica kindergarten,Subotica
      Kindergarten of Limni Greece

      Celebrating the European Day of Languages!

      Anastasia Karanastasi-Stella Lioufa 32th Kindergarten Thessaloniki, Greece

      Celebrating the European Language Day

      2nd Kindergarten of Keratsini, Athens

      EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES-We celebrated the day

      2nd Kindergarten of Gargaliani

      Celebrating the European Day of Languages!!!

      EDINA ĐOROVIĆ Šumica kindergarten,Subotica

      Our certificate

      Κalliopi-Lina Kinigopoulou 32th Kindergarten,Thessaloniki Greece

      Our Certificate

      Evangelia Papathanasiou 8th Kindergarten Kalamata - Greece

      Event about European Day of Languages

      Evangelia Papathanasiou 8th Kindergarten Kalamata - Greece

      eTwinning event