๐ In the program were used the following web tools
- Padlet (Teachers Presentation, EU CODE WEEK, European Day of Languages, The Environment speaks..., Christmas trees that can stand ,EARTH HOUR )
- Genially (ACTIVITES Calendar, City/School Presentation, Games with .. GOALS, COLLABORATIVE actions / products, Robot “artist”, Carnival 2022 with Robot party, Dancing Sticky,A Chocolate Jackson Pollock Painting, online game for the 17 sustainable goals)
- Google maps (The map of schools)
- Google Earth (presentation of the city)
- Canva (Program Teaser, Participating schools / teachers,Emoticons Calendar 2022,CREATE YOUR COLOR, Music Codes)
- Google Forms (EVALUATION)
- StrawPoll (Voting for the name of Mascot)
- Prezi (All about Masckot)
- Tricider (Voting for Maskot)
- Linoit (CHRISTMAS Gifts, Coded Wishes)
- Chatter pix (Maskot animation)
- ThingLink ("Protection shields" for Safer Internet,Safer Internet Day 2022 - Greek Competition)
- Book Creator (Students Presentation,Ice Cube Tower)
- Google Slides (“Stories through a painting")
- Wakelet (Hour of Code)
- Mentimeter (Wishes for Easter)
- Emaze (Artwork with imagination)
- Scratch (online game with Sticky)
- Wordwall (online game with emotions)
- Πρฯγραμμα Επεξεργασฮฏας Βฮฏντεο των Windows