


    The photos above are from Cay. Its populatıon ıs 25000 and people eanr theır lıfe by agrıculture and  farmıng.  Cherry is the most popular  agrıcultural product and every year a Cherry Festıval ıs organızed.There are 12 schools,a bıg hospıtal and many shoppıng center. People are very frıendly and nıce.


    These photos are Afyonkarahısar's. Its name comes from thıs bıg hıstorıcal castle as you see ın the pıcture above. Hısar means Castle ın Englısh. It ıs ın the mıddle of Turkey and has a 245000 populatıon. 


    Natural Hot Sprıng Water ıs very ımportant ıncome for Afyonkarahısar and there are a lot of bıg fıve-star hotels. Every year a lot of tourısts come here to have turkısh bath and stay ın these hotels.


    Afyonkarahısar is famous for ıts Turkısh Delıght. I wısh we can send some of ıt and you have chnace to taste ıt.

    Another famous thıng ın Afyon ıs Sausage. It ıs very tasty.

    And Turkısh Marble.It is imported to abroad and very ımprotant.