Our first in-person meeting took place in Příbram, the Czech Republic, from 15 to 17 November 2021.
Due to Covis pandemic, the first project meeting was realised much later than planned in the application form, we planned to include 3 teachers, 2 municipality workers and 2 non-school workers from each partner country, this goal was not reached because some participants fell ill or were in catranteen before the meeting. The other goals were reached:
- getting to know each other in person as some of the project members have never met before
- training in Techak related to Ozobots
- 4 hours of training included technical advice, examples of good practice, sharing of experience and activities which project parters did with pupils in the first project year
- giving advice about ozobots purchase, explaining technical parameters, advising about choosing the right tools, cost calculation was done in June 2021 during an online meeting with project partners
- practical examples of Ozobots use, examples of worksheets made by Techak
- eTwinning training
- registering of new eTwinners, starting the project in Twinnspace, basic training to use ICT tools
- project administration training, mobility tool, specification of project timetable for the first project year
- length of the meeting was 3 working days + 2 days for travel
- excursion to both elementary schools in Příbram, guided tour in the schools, presenting project work with Ozobots, discussion about the project, educational systems in CZ, NL, SK, digital tools in education, sharing experience with online and home schooling during lockdowns
- after this meeting a competition for project logo was realised at each school, the winning logo will be announced at the first LTA in kežmarok in April 2022