ANSWERS to Ukrainian cuisine

  • 1.The most popular traditional Ukraine dishes are pork fat, borscht, dumplings, slice of beef, banosh with bryndza, paska and uzvar. Самое популярная Украинская еда это: сало, вареники, борщ украинский, зразы, бануш.


    2.The names of Ukrainian soups are rossalnyk and borscht. Названия украинский супов: рассольник, борщ украинский.


    3.The name of Ukrainian Christmas puppet theatre is vertep. Названия народного театра. Вертеп


    4.The independence day is celebrated on 24 August. 24 серпень, день незалежності України


    5.On July 7 in Ukraine we celebrate Kupala Night. Праздник 7 июля это: Ночь Ивана Купала


    6. There are 12 dishes prepared .


    7. It is usually celebrated in March , this year's it was held on 25 th March. On the first Sunday after the first spring full moon


    8. Jesus Christ rose from the dead. “Chrystos Woskres” – “Woistyno Woskres”


    9. It is made of wheat grains or barley, poppy seeds, honey, delicacies- raisins, nuts .


    10.  There are four ways of decorating: - painted by paints - by onion peels - scraped with a razor blade - decorated with paper