ANSWERS to Ukrainian culture

  • 1. Kobza is an Ukrainian folk music instrument of the lute family, a relative of the Central European mandora.


    2. Jurij Andruchowycz is the most famous Ukrainian writer.


    3. Hopak (Gopak) is an Ukrainian dance. It is performed most often as a solitary concert dance by amateur and professional Ukrainian dance ensembles.


    4. Singers that were the winners of Eurovision are Ruslana in 2004 and Jamala in 2016.


    5. Most popular museums are National Art Museum, The National Museum of Medicine of Ukraine and Odessa Regional History Museum.


    6. Mila Kunis, Milla Jovovich, Olga Kurylenko, Maksim Chmerkovskiy, Otto Prrminger, Andy Scott Harris


    7. The celebration relates to the summer solstice when nights are the shortest and includes a number of Slavic rituals e. g. young people jump over

    the flames of bonfires in a ritual test of bravery and faith and girls may float wreaths of flowers (often lit with candles) on rivers.


    8. Lesya Ukrainka. The real name is Larysa Petrivna Kosach Kvitka. She was one of the best known poets and writers and the foremost woman writer in

    Ukrainian literature.


    9. Cossacks are a group of predominantly East slavic speaking people who became known as members of democratic self governing semi military

    communities predominantly located in Ukraine and in Russia


    10. Okean Elzy (ukr. Океан ЕльзиO.E.) is one of the most popular pop- rock music bands. It started on 12th October 1994 in Lvov. The leader and the main

    singer of the band is Światosław Wakarczuk.