Ukraine - geography

  • Geographical knowledge and General features

    1.What is the area of Ukraine?


    b. 603.628 sq. km

    c.300.217 sq. km

    d. 50.820

    2. What is the capital of Ukraine?

    a. Moscow

    b. Minsk

    c. Kiev

    d. Lviv

    3. What is the largest river in the country?


    b. Duna

    c. Kalka

    d. Dniester

    4. What colours are on the Ukrainian flag?

    a. red and white

    b. yellow and green

    c. blue and yellow

    d. white and blue

    5. What is the state emblem of Ukraine?

    a. a trident

    b. an eagle

    c. a star

    d. an olive branch

    6. What seas is Ukraine washed by?

    a. The Black sea

    b. The Sea of Azov

    c. The Black sea and the Sea of Azov

    d. The Mediterranian Sea

    7. What is the name of the current president of Ukraine?

    a. Leonid Kravchuck

    b. Petro Poroshenko

    c. Victor Yanukovich

    d. Victor Yushchenko

    8. What is the currency in Ukraine?

    a. rouble

    b. euro

    c. lira

    d. hryvnia

    9.What is Ukraine's second largest ethnic group?

    a. Russians

    b. Tatars

    c. Poles

    d. Ukrainians

    10. Ukraine is in .....

    a. Northern Europe

    b. Western Europe

    c. Central Europe

    d. Eastern Europe