- Monitor the developing of cooperative challengue with STUDENTS. (Watch some parts of the challengue performed by them)
- Analyze such developing and establish a comparison about the challenges of the rest of schools in the first inter-meeting period.
- Agreements about next cooperative challenge focused on the logical-mathematical and bodily-kinesthetic multiple intelligences to be worked out in the next inter-meeting period at each partner school.
- Gather the materials produced so far to have them included in the educational dossier.
- Evaluation of the outcomes thus far achieved: questionnaires, evaluation documents, report of results etc…
- Agree on specific elements for the next transnational meeting with students, to be held in POLAND: A sculpture produced by use of the “Aronson puzzle” cooperative technique.
- Visits the international center REGGIO CHILDREN
- Community building activity
- Treasure hunt in cooperative groups to discover the school
- Present the challenge process
- Meeting with parents with the countries presentations and some games
- Preparation of the 2 challenges for the intermeeting
- Evaluation comparison
Watching and comparing cooperative challenges
Ball game/ Call my name/ Circular conversation/ Find someone who/Circle for... /Line up for.../ Symbolic conversation/ Simpagramma
TOOLS: google drive - italian booklets have been realized by using the webtool ww.ourboox.com
- Each host country is in charge of the best moments VIDEO that should least no more than 4 minutes, related to its meeting
- The 2 challenges related to mathematical and kineste tic intelligences will be presented in Spain - November 2017
- Fill in the evaluation form for the italian meeting
- Fill in the google document about POSITIVE and NEGATIVE aspects of the first challenge (opened by Mai in the Google Drive)
- Each country send the evaluation presentation and the process presentation to Vittoria to upload in the twinspace or upload directly in the right page (TRANSNATIONAL SPAIN - INTERMEETING ACTIVITIES)
- About Poland, each country will put on the twinspace a tutorial about their technique within the end of April. The 2 challenges are for the spanish meeting in November
MEETING EVALUATION: https://goo.gl/forms/qvrf5ILo8r9uci6y2
Click here to see the summary meeting