Sites for our project results -14 th pr. School of Ilion, Greece


     You are invited to visit our School site as you can  click on the picture.

    Se puede tocar la imagen y visitar  nuestra Escuela de este modo.

    Site' s designer and administrator: Theodoros Archontidis - The Head Principle of the School


    Students of level 5, particpating in the project  present their works and ideas as feedback in the following site created under the supervision of their Fine Arts Teacher Theodora Chandrinou

    Además los alumnos de nivel 5 que participan en el proyecto presentan ideas y trabajos en el sitio abajo             creado de la Prof. de Bellas Artes: Theodora Chandrinou


    Results presentation are visible to the page of the blog of the  Fine Arts Teacher Theodora Chandrinou

    Exhibited project results - open to public events:


    We were awarded with the quality labels for our efforts:

    Thank you all Students and Teachers for the perfect collaboration!!!

    ¡Muchas gracias a todos por la perfecta colaboración!