LTTA in Burgas - 2-8 April 2017


    Burgas Free University (BFU) hosted the PEAK  Project workshop during the period 3-7 April 2017. This event is part of the activities carried out for the development of the two intellectual outputs that BFU is in charge of, namely, the creation of a guidebook as a collection of electronic-based teaching materials using the Moodle Learning Management System (LMS), which is aimed at the teachers, participating in the Project activities, for the purposes of improving their competences for applying Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the teaching of various subjects and foreign languages in particular, updating their skills for using innovative techniques.

    The other intellectual output is the design and implementation of the Moodle training course which was used during the event, aiming at introducing the participants to the basics of using educational technologies and digital resources in the creation of e-learning courses.

    Forty-eight teachers from Project-partner countries took part in the event, which gave them the opportunity to further develop their skills and competences for designing e-learning materials with Moodle. Professor Milen Baltov, Vice-Rector of BFU and Project coordinator for BFU, opened the training event. The participants were also addressed by Associate Professor Maria Alexieva, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, and by Radostina Georgieva, Principal of “G.S.Rakovski” Romance LanguagesSecondary School in Burgas. During the event, the participants had the opportunity to enhance their professional skills for applying innovative approaches in teaching, with the ultimate purpose of modernizing and strengthening the system of education and training by improving the quality of teaching through a more strategic and integrated use of ICT.

    The event further developed the professional network of teachers already established under this project by giving the teachers the opportunity to share their expertise, developed during the project life, and disseminate the project outcomes.


