General INFO on the project

  • General information about our Erasmus+ school partnership project.

    We started this eTwinning project to document the execution of our KA2 Erasmus+ school partnership project of the same title:

    Expressions With Two Variables - Gorski and Diego (2015-1-PL01-KA219-016898)

    The project is run by  two Partner Schools:

    IES Gerardo Diego from Pozuelo de Alarcón near Madrid, Spain


    Zespół Szkół Nr 49 in Warsaw, Poland, which combines two schools – Wojciech Gorski Junior High School and Wojciech Gorski Senior High School.

    The list of our project's goals is long but the most important one is GROWTH.

    We intend to grow on both levels – institutional and individual ones, and we intend to learn from each other, between students and teachers alike.

    IES Gerardo Diego is sharing with Wojciech Gorski Schools their innovative approach on how to teach English through Art, and the Gorski Schools' expertise includes teaching Maths with the use of KHAN Academy and organising informal INFO-GORAL classes for kids from the local schools.

    The goals will be achieved through teaching and learning activities carried out during four partnership exchanges (visits: C1, C2, C3, C4) as well as in the periods between the visits.

    The main activities and specific tasks concentrate on Math and English, but they will affect other subjects and intercultural exchanges, too. The intended methods include: workshops, peer-observation (among students and teachers), brainstorming sessions and debates, working in groups, using online learning platforms, such as KHAN Academy, playing city games with mobile devices, preparing and giving presentations, English through Art projects, online competitions, using the eTwinning platform, using Europass, using European tools for evaluation.

    The teachers on both sides will try to demonstrate their best practices, and they will do their best to engage the biggest possible number of students and teachers who are not direct participants of the project.

    So on the subsequent TwinSpace pages we will be reporting the four visits and their expressions, as well as other activities carried out in the time between the visits.

    Here are two presentations in Polish and Spanish, which were prepared to provide basic information on the project for prospective participants.