Team 1 - VALENTINO -

  •  Andreina Grande-Valentina Dima-Miriam De Santis;

    Edwige VINOT Lorraine CLAUS Juliette DELFOLIE Lilian BOURGEOIS


    You have drawn your designer !!!!!!

    You are now going to work in team

    Your mission is to do some research work on your designer.

    You will have to :

    • Write a short biography
    • Analyze your designer’s style, design and collections throughout the years.
    • Find his/ her distinguishing features
    • Define his /her favorite materials
    • You can add any other items you like.
    • You will also give your point of view as a team.

    You will make a Powerpoint presentation in which you can also include pictures, interviews, VDOs…

    Your presentation will be graded as a team and individually, according to your personal involvement.

    The deadline for the presentations is Friday, February 3rd .

    We will hold another VDO conference during which, as a team, you will present your designer to the other teams.

    You will have to share the work and communicate closely. Use the forum to do this.

    Do a good job!

    Patrizia Dinoi and Sandrine Palau-Windstein