First: Meeting in Hamburg, Germany.

  • Welcome to the page of our first meeting in Hamburg.

     Copyright Initiative NAT, Claudia Höhne

    You can gain insight of the meeting:


    German culture guide for our guests:


    Timetable Hamburg:

    Monday: Presentations at Max-Planck-Institut Greifswald Visit Wendelstein 7X

    Presentation at Wendelstein: 


    Tuesday: Project work at Gymnasium Süderelbe

    Energy in Poland - presentation in polish language: 

    In the evening: Presentation of the Erasmus+-Project for interested parents, students and teachers and international evening with cold buffet for students, teachers and host families;


    Wednesday: Guided tour at the DESY laboratory and interview with staff


    Insight starts here presentation:

    Guided tour of the cloud chamber at DESY

    In the afternoon tour to the city center of Hamburg.


    Thursday: Interviews with experts and scientists on energy problems at the Gymnasium Süderelbe.

    Information about this:

    Boat trip at the harbour of Hamburg in the evening.


    Friday: Presentations at Gymnasium Süderelbe

    Presentation by Prof. Pienitz.

    Presentation of Fusionenergy and tecnical aspects of Tokamak and Stellarator (english version):

    Presentation of the Erasmus project about what we have done in Hamburg:


    Presentations about energy consuption in each country:

    The politics of fusion energy presentation:

    Ending: Evaluation of the meeting. 


    Working sheet:

    Crossword atomic fusion 


    Pixibook with formulas:


    Information about energy and units:

    and as a presentation in german language:

    The energy resource of tomorrow?