Erasmus Fusion Week 2017
Alexandra Park School London and Highlands School London

13th – 18th November
Timetable and overwiew:

Monday 08:30-14:30
Social visit to Science and Natural History Museums
Tuesday 08:30-15:00
Project work at Highlands school
“Sustainable Energy for the Future” – Imperial College: exhibition and debate
Information materials from exhibition:

Wednesday 06:55-15:30
Visit to Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

Information materials from Culham: JET

Thursday 08:30-15:30
Project work at Highlands school Tasks:

1.Why do we need fusion energy?
2.What is a fusion reaction?
3.How are the extremely high temperatures achieved?
4.How is the plasma contained?
5.Challenges and solutions?
Bowling activity with students and host families
Friday 08:30-15:30
Project work at Highlands school