1.3. Outcomes

  • We have created this public TwinSpace, and we are excited about it!

    Our first objective is to live this experience of interaction and collaboration with our European partners as well as with our students and community.  Those interactions will be both real (in mobilities, activities, meetings) and virtual (for instance through virtual mobilities, here in eTwinning).

    The materials we want to generate and disseminate will be texts, activity reports and audiovisual documents, conclusions of our international meetings here at eTwinning and many others. We will learn by doing.

    More widely, we have proposed an improvement in our center in the medium term to which our project contributes, the future obtaining of the category of Ecoescuela (program of the Junta de Andalucía) for our center, with the transformations in that sense already being put in motion, and those that should occur in our institute in the future.

    In the area of our first objective (attention to diversity), we hope to acquire experiences and knowledge that will enrich our New Plan for Coexistence (which begins next academic year 2021-22) or with the treatment of attention to the diversity of our students in the context of language teaching (for example, in the implementation and improvement of our Program of Bilingualism in English).