Virtual meeting of students

  • Virtual meetings between groups of students were held in December 2020 in the following relations:


    Hungary - Lithuania

    This online Meeting took place on 16/12/2020. It was a fantastic experience, everyone enjoyed it.

    Romania - Croatia

    On 18th December some twenty students from 7th and 8th grades from school in Kaštel Novi, Croatia met online with their peers from partner school in Halmeu, Romania. It came as a reward after a long woking week and resulted in a video clip presenting school Bijaći and the City of Kaštela. The event was coordinated by Mr Petar Perić and Floarea Copelia Oors and supported Mrs Sanja Mikelić as regards technical and digical aspects of the event. Students were previously tasked to present themselves, their school and town. When doing so, each group of croatian students got their task and a text in English. However, the students' spontaneity and improvisation were the key. Students were main actors, background actors, directors, cameramen… There were repeated scenes, sketches, unplanned situations…The 8th graders presented their town and 7th graders their school.  

    Live meeting was held on Zoom platform in foreign languages classroom in Bijaći. For this purpose friends from Romania made it to school since they are currently attending online education. They liked the presentation of school Bijaći and Kaštela just like croatian students liked Halmeu. In order to make it more fun, students introduced themselves all by adding one adverb beginning with the initial letter of their names. All this was recorded in Mentimeter and students used their cell phones for this exercise. After that they posted in Mentimeter  words relating to sustainable development. Students also presented some customs and dishes traditionally served at Christmas.  The meeting was spiced up by songs and Romanian traditional  music. It was a very nice experience for all of us. We are looking forward to our future collaboration on this project.

    Italy - Turkey

    Turkish students and Italian students met. The students gave brief information about themselves. They introduced their country, city and school. It was a very fun and nice meeting.


  • Student Presentations