3.The news challenges activity

  • Which is your challenge?


    Once you have all chosen your partners to form international group teams,  a set of "news challenges" are going to be sent via "Royal Mail".

    You are given only a few clues about your article topic and you are also given the set of roles you have to set in your team in order to seach for the information necessary for the team to write the article.

    Only part of the groups either in France or in Spain will have the clue document so the rest of you should communicate with your partners to discuss and agree what you think you should do, take decisions, assign team roles and start working!

    Each team can use its own forum thread for their challenge communication exchanges. You will be given the oportunity of videoconference in case you need it. You can also use Twinspace mail and chat and as many free online tools you need.

    Teachers can only help or guide in case of extreme difficulties. 

    Every piece or writing, photo, information must be credited to its owner in case it can be shared. Don't copy and paste. Just research, think and elaborate your own products. They don't have to be perfect, just yours!