As individuals we can do our best to save energy.
While welcoming the spring our students try to draw attention how individuals can save energy by giving small tips in their videos and visuals.
Reyyan FZKIHL created a video about "Energy Saving ".
APAL's eTwinners' common product
Here is a comic book about "Energy Saving" from our students Elif.ŞPHGFL, Bugra.ŞPHGFL, Elif.T.ŞPHGFL and Taha.ŞPHGFL
Finike Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev Anadolu Lisesi
A comic book about "Energy Saving" fromElif.ŞPHGFLBugra.ŞPHGFLElif.T.ŞPHGFLTaha.ŞPHGFL
Trying to use less lights when we don’t need them or using sun rechargeable lightsBeatrice
Trying to use recyclable materials in daily lifeRita Pagano
how to save energy - tips in Romanian