EVALUATION 2-click here
Results of the second evaluation questionnaire
49 students took part in the study. 43 students knew when we are celebrating World Earth Day. 45 knew what actions to take to keep the Earth safe. On average 43 people know how to save water. 43 knows when the European Union has its holiday. 43 knows that Brussels is the capital of the European Union. Children have a poor knowledge of how many countries belong to the European Union. 44 students know the symbols of the European Union: the flag and the anthem. 47 students are satisfied with the participation in the project :)

EVALUATION 1 - click here
Results of the first evaluation questionnaire
49 students participated in the study.
On average, 38 knew the rules of good cooperation.
On average, 40 knew the rules of safe work on the Internet,
40 knew when winter starts and 46 knew how to play
safely in winter. All students enjoyed participating in the project :)