Internet jest miejscem, w którym wielu z nas spędza dużo wolnego czasu. Zadaniem na ten miesiąc jest stworzenie plakatu promujacego dobre rodzaje aktywności w internecie. W związku z miesiącem poświęconym Internetowi proponujemy wykorzystanie narzędzi TIK np.canva.
Efekty pracy zamieszczamy w poniższym padlecie;
The Internet is a place where many of us spend a lot of our free time.
The task for this month is to create a poster promoting good types
of internet activity. In connection with the month devoted
to the Internet, we suggest using ICT tools, e.g. canva.
We present the results of our work in the following padlet;
Please provide the names of the schools - I will put them on the paddle
Poster Competition
After add your students' whole posters to the first padlet, please select your students' best 1 to 3 posters to share at competition padlet. I will enable the buttons when we will start the voting. If you want share the link with your school for voting ;
Sending posters 13th Feb - 23th Feb
Voting posters 24th Feb - 26th Feb
Announcing the winners 27th Feb, 2021
Dear partners,
The poster competition has just finished. Thank you and your pupils for their contribution to the event, all posters were amazing.
Here are the winners;
1. Nehir - Emek Secondary School - BursaTurkey

2. Zespół Szkół im. M. Kotańskiego Klub Młodzieżowy Małe Rzeczy Inowrocław POLAND


The list of all posters are below with their scores;
Results of poster competition.pdf
