Information from the website of the school

Virtual exhibition published on the Internet

Information about the project from the website of Halit Narin Vocational High School, Turkey -- Mükerrem Ortaakarsu

A news about the poster competition from the website of Halit Narin Vocational High School, Turkey -- Mükerrem Ortaakarsu

A news our project from online journal of Muğla Provincial Directorate for National Education -- Mükerrem Ortaakarsu

Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 w Siewierzu
Artykuł na portalu dla nauczycieli /article on the portal for teachers
click here
Youth Club "Little Things" is the name of an eTwinning project in which around 20 schools have been working together since January 2021. They include schools from Poland, Turkey, Armenia, Georgia, Croatia and North Macedonia. The founders of the project are: Zespół Szkół im. M. Kotański in Inowrocław and the Special School and Education Center in Radomsko.
The project is aimed at children and adolescents with special educational needs and primary school youth. The essence of the project is the development of the pupils' interests. The project assumes multidisciplinarity of fields, therefore it can be carried out in several subjects or as part of extracurricular activities.
For each month, a different theme has been proposed, which is implemented in five spheres: educational, art, music, health-related and social. In January, the main topic was winter. Project participants created a winter dictionary, an e-book with the rules of safe games in the snow, art works related to snowflakes, and sang a winter song. February is the month in which the activities focused on safe use of the Internet. Posters showing the possibilities of spending free time on the Internet, an e-book on the principles of safe use of the Internet, quizzes and puzzles were created. In most institutions, SID classes were conducted remotely or in-house. Students created their own playlist of their favorite music hits, as well as a presentation about healthy habits.
In March, tasks will be focused on spring, April will be devoted to Earth Day celebrations. In May, the theme will be the European Union, and in June, summer.
June will also be the month when we will finish and summarize our project. However, it can already be said that it is extremely rich and interesting. Students willingly take part in activities, because they are very diverse, engage many senses and touch on current topics, they are close to students.
The cooperation of teachers is also very fruitful, we can learn about the methods and tools used by our colleagues in Poland and abroad. Valuable acquaintances and contacts are also established.
Zakładka projektowa na stronie internetowej szkoły/
subpage about the project on the school's website:
click here