Collaborative story - The whole plot

  • 20th of April - Within the half of April each country will contribute in writing a collaborative story by writing in the Twinspace using different colours


    It is a slow foggy early morning in Brussel. The european offices and commissions are still closed. Kids are sleeping peacefully in their beds across Europe, but someone is already awake, someone who wants to destroy Europe, someone cruel and insensitive. He is not alone in his terrible mission, he has some accomplices...

    Someone wants to destroy the union between children in Europe and already has a plan. He worked this plan over and over... There is not a chance for mistakes, he must act quick and be precise... A big smile on his face proves how happy he is for himself, he knows this time he will succeed!!!

    Kids do not know that an amazing mission is waiting for them when they wake up in the morning ... but they will not be alone!



    Kids from Italy (BOBBIO) will write in green

    Kids from Italy (CHIETI) will write in orange

    Kids from Spain will write in blue

    Kids from Greece will write in red

    Kids from Bulgaria will write in purple


    The enemy is a hacker who lives into the ATOMIUM with his accomplices, each one in a different sphere, with some sophisticated control panels. They  want to manipulate the public opinion to make people think of GLOBAL FREEZING and other crazy fakes. They want to scare people and, at this purpose, they create FAKE images, videos, datas, scientific studies to be shared on the internet.


    SuperSuperSanti, who is always connected, immediately reads the super fake news and decides to inform his team of Superheroes. He teleports himself into Italy, then Bulgaria, Greece and Spain. He takes all the Superheroes on his back and teleports all of them into his base in Brussels. But while teleporting, he reads on the Internet another fake news: a ship of pirates is in the Black Sea and they are forcing children from Bulgaria to become pirates. SuperSuperSanti suddenly decides to teleport the whole team over the Black Sea: they have to protect children, they can't become pirates!!! The Superheroes arrive and.... SuperSanti throws SuperDona down to have a look at the pirates' ship. She is in her invisible feature. She looks around the Black Sea and she discovers that.....there is no ship! SuperSuperSanti speaks to fish and they say that there are no pirate ships there. Just cruise ships.... Another fake news.....Grrr...Someone wants to scare Europeans....


    The Superheroes decide to organize a meeting. SuperSuperSanti suggests his friends to ask help to all the european kids, because working together it will be easier to find the hackers. They talk and talk and finally they make the following decision:

    - SuperMirian will stop the time, meanwhile SuperSuperSanti will ask all the animals to inform the kids that there is a hacker in Europe and they need their help to find them as soon as possible.

    - Super Michael will fly to Brussels at night and investigate the most important monuments...


    4.Super Michael flies to Brussels, in a blink of the eye. He lands  next to Manneken Pis, the most known monument of the city. He looks around to find evidence of the hacker, as Super Super Santi informed him to do... Nothing...

    Suddenly a cold breeze of air embraces him! He looks around again ... Nothing significant... But his eyes are  caught to a "Chocolate store". He is heading towards the shop and buys a bar of chocolate to clear his mind. As he unwrappes the bar, a written message appears: "In two weeks time, all schools in Europe will be closed! Be aware! Alliens will land with their spaceships into the center place of every city of Europe!"

    There is no time to lose. He has to inform Superheroes. They have to act quickly. Can this be true? If schools close how will pupils earn knowledge? And what about the Aliens? Could they occupy Earth?



    After the meeting with the superheroes in Brussels, Super Milena returnes to Bulgaria. The news of the pirate ship go around Aheloy. The students read the news on the Internet and don't go to school in the morning. They go to the beach to be part of the ship's crew. To deal with the situation, Super Milena asks third-graders for help. They are her assistants and already know of the fake news on the Internet. The children immediately go to the children from the other classes and explain to them that this is fake news. So everyone go back to school.
    Super Milena warnes her assistants about the danger and they arrange a secret signal through which she would notify them in case of danger.Through her power, she send them a signal by the flowers from their garden in the school yard. In case of danger, the flowers tremble constantly.


    Suddenly SuperMichael notices that there are some letters written in the piece of paper found in the chocolate bar packaging. Something that seems partially erased:  .......MIUM. Yes!!!! Atomium!!! Maybe the Atomium is the hackers' base! SuperMichael calls SuperDona that with her incredible power, the invisibility, can go there and have a look without being seen. She goes there and discovers that two criminals are sending fake news everywhere in Europe. So she immediately calls SuperMirian on the phone, asking her to the Atomium. When she arrives, she stops the time so the two Superheroes have time to write a message on the Internet: "Be careful dear Europeans, the news about the arrival of aliens in Europe is fake!".


    The time is stopped, and the superheroes must make a decision, so super Mirian and super Dona call all the other superheroes. 

    Super super Santi has an idea: trap the hackers' team by paying them back in kind. They will believe in a super fake news.

    Super Micheal starts writing on the internet that an enormous diamond is hidden under the long bridge, built with recycled material, that joins Greece and Spain, probably in Barcelona close to the Barceloneta beach. In order to avoid that the fake spread on the internet they create a fake Google search engine, only for the hackers.

    Super Milena with the nature power, creates an hologram of the bridge for the hackers, Super Mirian restarts the time while Super Super Santi teleports the  superheroes' team to Barceloneta.


    Not long after the posting of this news, the evil hackers fall in the trap...

    A couple  of robots, appearing out of the blue, start walking on the bridge. They walk slowly looking around, they are sending a light signal: "blip, blip, blip, 1001, 10, 011..."

    A group of Sixth Graders are assisting Super Michael as they are experts on receiving technology messages and translating them into human language. Very quickly children send this message to our Superheroes:  -The robots are saying: "We are on the bridge, Boss. We are close to find the diamond! Everything looks normal. There is no sign of Superheroes, no worries!"

    As soon as Super Mirian hears it, she stops the time. Robots freeze!!! Super Micheal who is ready to act, flies above them and throughs a cage, prisoning them. Super Super Santi arrives, quickly deactivates robots and takes out their chips. They manage to track the hackers position and immediately Super Super Santi talks to eagles and asks them to transfer our heroes . . . 

    Children feel anxious... They don't know the ending of this adventure... However, they start dreaming of a safe world, without evil people, no fake news, only joy, and parties...



    Students of grade 4 Sant Josep Navàs go immediately to la Barceloneta to help the Superheroes. During the trip they notice all the trees are trembling. They told this to Super Milena and  she tells them:

    - " Be careful!", trees are saying that there are some more hackers in the world.

    Then, Super Super Santi takes the two hackers "chips" and scans them and discovers a secret code to be solved before catching the rest of the hackers in the world.

    Super Mirian stops the time again meanwhile all the kids from Super Super Heroes Mission start solving the secret code.

    Surprise!!! they discover that ...


    The 4th grade students of Navas Spain connect with their classmates from Bobbio and Chieti from Italy, from Aheloy, Bulgaria and  from Thessaloniki, Greece and all together start to figure out the code. The children are working hard. After a while, they discover that behind the numbers in the code is the name Google Earth. They go to the application and enter the code and a map opens in front of them. This map shows the places where hackers are hiding. Children see that hackers are everywhere - except in their own countries, but also in Germany, Sweden, Austria and even in small Switzerland. The students immediately inform the Super team about their discovery. But in order to reach them, they have to go through another challenge.


    The end of the story

    Once the children discover the map, they see all the places where the hackers are hiding.
    With his power, Super Santi asks animals to cut the hackers' internet cables so they can't send more fake news.
    Superheroes catch hackers with their super powers. A Convention on cybercrime sign between European countries. They send the hackers to Strasbourg, where judge them and send to prison.
    NSS superheroes and their assistants receive congratulations from Ursula von Der Layen, President of the European Commission. The Miniheroes are awarded the title "E-safe Ambassadors".


    Thessaloniki, Greece

    Despite the fact we were in distance mode learning, most of this school year, we worked together and wrote all parts of the plot we were assigned to. And we really enjoyed it!

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