• Photo by Fathromi Ramdlon da Pixabay 


    AIM: using art and english to tell about our cultural heritage and understand someone else cultural heritage.

    COMPETENCE: Multilingual competence, Cultural awareness and expression, digital competence, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking. 


    -30th of January to upload the ebooks (one per country);

    10th of February  to finish reading all ebooks: 10 days to read the stories and make hypothesis about the origin place of the legend (discovering some historical and cultural heritage aspects of partners) and to discuss with partners peers in the FORUM, creating interaction;

     - 20th of February to record voices on someone else book: by using the web tool Wheeldecide, each partner will be matched to a story. Then kids will read the story of that specific country, recording their voice on the book. A specific attention will be paid about matching countries with other countries' books.

    PROCEDURE: each partner proposes a legend from their own area/village/city. Reading a legend proposed anonymously by each partner, national groups will guess the origin place of the legend and will discover some historical and cultural heritage aspects of partners. They will guess by giving their answers in the forum and commenting other kids reasons.  After guessing, each Country will record the reading voice in the ebook of another Country.

    WEBTOOLSThe legends will be created by using Storyjumper