Photo by Caleb Oquendo on Pexels
PRODUCT: a cooperative story
AIM: stimulate kids in using written language by continuing someting created by other kids in a complementary and cooperative way. Respect each other ideas, enrich them, build something together - make the pupils protagonists and stimulate them in identifying with a Europe defender by designing characters
COMPETENCE: multilingual competence - collaboration - communication - creativity - citizenship competence cultural awareness and expression
DEADLINE: 20th of April
PROCEDURE: the incipit of the story will be written cooperatively by teachers considering the news and fake news invented by kids. This intro will finish by introducing the NSS Members as superheroes (the head of each NNS)
The cooperative story, begun by teachers will be continued by kids in national groups who will take turns in writing the story. In the story the superheroes will collaborate to beat enemies who spread FAKE NEWS, overcome challenges and save Europe. In the story, Super Heroes from the NNS and the Super Super Hero from the CSS will help kids in beating unveiling the fakes and beating enemies.
This story will be the plot of the last mission: the Mystery Hunt/Escape
WEBTOOLS: the TS page and different colours