Celebrating EUROPE DAY '21 the A.Li.E.N. way, our way!

  • It was the 9th May...


    Europe Day is held on 9 May every year to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. The date marks the anniversary of the historic Schuman declaration, which started Europe on the path to today's European Union. The Council and other EU institutions traditionally celebrate Europe Day by opening their doors to the public.

    We , as partners in this Erasmus-Etwinning project, are celebrating connected online!

    So as to get prepared for our meeting event, watch the following video.

    Why do we celebrate Europe Day on the 9th of May? The Jean Monnet House is presenting Europe in the Making, a 18-minute movie to discover the origins of Europe Day. Learn more about the protagonists and the events that changed the course of European history!

    "Europe in the Making.

    Landmarks leading to a unique day in history May 9, 1950."


    How about joining a word cloud? Take your cell phone, go to www.menti.com and use the code 99987238. You share with everyone in the project your reflections, thoughts, ideas about the Europe Day by posting 3 words! If you are to join using your computer just click on the link https://www.menti.com/56b4fz4pi3 and vote.Easy? You can vote more than one times!

    And now how about sharing your WISHES for our Europe? It's Europe Day, what would you wish ?

    Click on the image below and join a Jamboard! It's kind of a BOX of WISHES!!!

    9th May, it's the eTwinning Day!

    The European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel will also take part in the official celebrations organized by the eTwinning Central Unit, with an interview on the community

    In the padlet below ou can add all your pieces of Art


    Here is the record of the engaging and exciting activities we  lived together to celebrate the Europe and eTwinning Day: enjoy!



  • Our contribution at the event!


    A a funny kahoot about Spain and Madrid curiosities! Enjoy!


    United in diversity: How good do we know each other?
    Each of our 6 Erasmus countries has two questions.
    Try to play!


    Here are the links of our students while reading: homages to our partner countries!
    https://youtu.be/ZpKRd1-JC9s (reading Dante's Inferno)
    https://youtu.be/b_7lcSA6ke4 ("Home on the road" by Vesna Parun - "Andante" by Salomeia Neris)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDbZFAKqxXM ("Imnos is tin Eleftherian" - "Hymn to freedom")
    https://youtu.be/34LQ2Dgrq9I ("Thinking of you" by Nazim Hikmet; "Ditty of first desire") by Federico Garcia Lorca.


    You are welcome to watch some of our students' thoughts about living and collaborating in a United Europe! Enjoy!


    Connections between Lithuania and Partners of project (slides show)


    Turkish Proverbs Translated in English and Spanish