IIS "don Lorenzo Milani"-GRAGNANO


    Have a look at the presentation above and  focus on slide 15 : there are useful links for you and your students !


    The class 1A of classical lyceum joined the national school project "LIBRIAMOCI". It aims to spread the culture of reading among the young and encourages exchanges of best practice.   This year's theme was kindness that  is perfectly linked to e-safety. This means we need to use  kind words as much as possible in the writinga message on social media.  The students used https://www.pixton.com/ and https://prezi.com as tools.



    The students of 2Ctt have worked on e-safety with their IT teacher. They have learned the new words and discussed how to protect from virus and malware virus or how to behave on social networks. Just to collect words and meaning they have created these Wordclouds



    We also celebrated the Day of Kindness and during the  remote lesson we worked on a Google doc answering  the following question:

    What does kindness mean to you?

    and then they gathered their answers using  WordCloud


    NETiquette for distance learning

    As a first approach to the topic of e Safety and after reading your materials,the 1st class C specializing in Tourism have worked online in two groups of 8 students,discussed and agreed on 10 rules of good behaviour during distance learning:



    On Sunday 16th January, Ernesto Belisario, a very skilled Italian lawyer engaged in Law in the use of Technologies, held a web-conference to teachers and students of “Don Lorenzo Milani” about European Privacy Policy and the GDPR within the school field. Another grain in the digital sphere and data protection.

    "Esafety policy at school": the first webinar by etwinning in 2021. A very stimulating and involving meeting!

    We are very proud  to be among the social hosting hubs




    On February 8, 2021 at the Don Lorenzo Milani Institute in Gragnano we are talking about cyberbullying, deepening the legislation with Senator Elena Ferrara, promoter and signatory of law 71/2017


    At the following link the videoconference with Senator Elena Ferrara who spoke about the law 71/2017 "Provisions about the protection of minors,  the prevention and contrast of the phenomenon of cyberbullying




    Get ready for Safer Internet Day 2021, which will take place on Tuesday 9 February 2021, when - once again - we will join forces around the world to work "Together for a better Internet" For this event the IIS "don Lorenzo Milani" of Gragnano (NA) has launched the second edition of the internal competition "SPOTtiamo il bullo" with the creation of a spot of max 30 seconds against cyberbullying made by a group of 4/6 students by January 31st.



    These two videos took part in the "SPOTtiamo il bullo" competition. Both the first and the second video were made by the students of the first class. They also did the English translation of the first video while the second video was  translated in English by the class 2A of classical lyceum.



    Students of the 1A (Classical Lyceum) take part in the workshop "Digital activism" within the project "Social hosting hub" by Fondazione Mondo Digitale. Very interesting and captivating time!


    Another workshop within the project "Social hosting hub" by Fondazione Mondo Digitale, about Cyberbullying (2A - Classical Lyceum).