Lithuania & Greece: TwinReaders!

  • And the TwinReading Adventure just begins!


    Let's kick off a start! No matter if we really enjoy reading books or not, it's really worthy to give it a try!

    It is quite interesting that your first TwinReading adventure combines History to Mythology! Both books talk about love and war, about the struggle to survive and gain again family, home and happiness!

    The Lithuanian book reminds teachers and students alike that history moves not just on the decisions and actions of great, transcendent figures, but also on those of seemingly normal people, young and old, who, like us, seek a fulfilling path through the events that frame their own lives. The Greek book tells the story of a man and a woman quite famous for their misfortune: a phantom woman, a shipwrecked man and a stubborn king willing to get married! Pure mythology or many messages hidden in the lines?


    Twinreading ACT  A' Post your thoughts and ideas: what do you figure out using information gathered bit by bit when looking at the cover and the title of the book? What are your expectations? Share your thoughts in the Twinboard below!


    Twinreading ACT  B' Laters have a look at the Poll: read each statement independently and check whether you agree with the statement or not. You can discuss your way of thinking with your classmates and partners.  

  • What do you glean from the title and the cover art?

    Anastasia Karasteriou

    Some people may suffer during their lifetime

    Maria Tsolaki

    When i saw the title and the cover from the book, I immediately realised that it will be such an emotional and heartwarming story about a girl.

    Alexandros Rousopoulos

    Pain. Remembers me the movie ashes in the snow(which is a movie based on this book).

    Maritini Chatziparadeisi

    The title is very mysterious and it makes me think that people go through a lot more than what they show to the world

    Irene Boukla

    the title strongly expresses a melancholy and tragedy

    Maria Dangli

    Prison with no break... Windy areas...Homeless people...

    Erika Chatziantoniou

    Suffering and pain are situations that every human is going through. From the cover, we can see the cruelty of the government let those people in so rough times (cold, with no food and water)

    Jurate Kalverš

    A shipwrecked man. Homeless and travelling long journey

    Greta Leperskaitė

    Sometimes disasters happen when one least expects them. Sometimes misfortune strikes with all its strength and seems to take away all hope.

    Austėja Dvelytė

    Seeing the cover and title of this book, I would say it's about suffering and trying to find meaning of everything.

  • Which of the following statements do you agree with?
    When in danger, it is best to play it safe rather than take a risk.
    3 votes (20.00%)
    In a dangerous or survival situation, one must make decisions that are best for themselves and their family members, even if harm may come to others as a result.
    1 vote (6.67%)
    Deceiving a vicious person in power is not a bad thing, when your life and dignity is in danger.
    1 vote (6.67%)
    Losing some personal freedom or opportunity is acceptable if it benefits others—individuals, the community, or society as a whole.
    1 vote (6.67%)
    When everyone is gossiping on someone, we should not trust or believe this person, nor should we have him/her friend!
    1 vote (6.67%)
    A civilized society would ensure that its functions never allow a child to be harmed intentionally.
    8 votes (53.33%)
    If one disagrees with a rule, a policy, or “the way things are done,” it is better to remain silent than speak out and risk punishment.
    0 votes (0%)
    It is fair to make war for a king/governor personal story or misfortune, no matter how many people is killed in the war!
    0 votes (0%)