November - (ITALY) Scuola Primaria “R. Pezzani”

  • Here we are

    Scuola Primaria “R. Pezzani”

    Happy Halloween


    Our class in quarantine... it is sad. Here some thoughts about this situation.

    Thinking about quarantine
    Thinking about quantine
    Thinking about quarantine
  • We are a small school in the Lodi hinterland, about 30 km from Milan. The town is small and in the countryside.The school is named after Renzo Pezzani who was a teacher and a poet. He wrote nursery rhymes and poems for children. Here is an example:

    ( from "

    The months of the year by Renzo Pezzani

    January says "Close that door!"

    February says "I'm in my shell!"

    March opens his eyes and invents colors;

    April covers every meadow with flowers; 

    May hands you the most beautiful rose;

    June has an ear of wheat and a star in his fist;

    July drinks a stream in one breath;

    August slumbers in a lying shadow;

    September bites the violet grapes;

    Wiser October puts them in the vat;

    November makes fagots of every twig;

    December walks towards the  crib!

    The months of the year by Renzo Pezzani

    January says "Close that door!"

    February says "I'm in my shell!"

    March opens his eyes and invents colors;

    April covers every meadow with flowers; 

    May hands you the most beautiful rose;

    June has an ear of wheat and a star in his fist;

    July drinks a stream in one breath;

    August slumbers in a lying shadow;

    September bites the violet grapes;

    Wiser October puts them in the vat;

    November makes fagots of every twig;

    December walks towards the  crib!


    November 11th

    November 11th is the day of San Martino. A legend tells that on 11th November Martin was in Amiens, in Gaul on the way back home. In the midst of a storm he met a beggar shrunken from the cold and generously offered him half of his cloak. After a few moments the rain stopped falling, the wind subsided and a beautiful sun came out to warm the earth. So the legend predicts a short three-day interruption of the grip of the cold to be repeated every year to commemorate the generous gesture. Here a poem by G. Carducci inspirated by Autumn images and feelings and titled "San Martino.


    San Martino by Giosuè Carducci

    La nebbia a gl'irti colli

    piovigginando sale,

    e sotto il maestrale

    urla e biancheggia il mar;

    ma per le vie del borgo

    dal ribollir de' tini


    va l'aspro odor de i vini

    l'anime a rallegrar.


    Gira su' ceppi accesi

    lo spiedo scoppiettando:


    sta il cacciator fischiando

    su l'uscio a rimirar


    tra le rossastre nubi

    stormi d'uccelli neri,

    com'esuli pensieri,

    nel vespero migrar.

    (illustrated by the great students of 5a)

    Saint Martin

    The fog to the steep hills

    amid the rain ascends,

    and under the mistral

    the sea screams and whitens;


    but through the alleys of the village

    from the bubbling vats

    goes the sour smell of wine

    the souls to rejoyce.


    Turns on burning logs

    the spit, sputtering;

    stands the hunter whistling

    on the door to gaze


    among the reddish clouds

    flocks of black birds

    as exiled thoughts,

    in the twilight migrating.


    And here a song whose lyrics are the lines of the poem.

    La nebbia agli irti colli...