Meninos de Todas as Cores (EB Infanta D. Mafalda/ Portugal)

  •  The teacher-librarian read us the story "Meninos de todas as cores" (“Children from all colours”), by Luísa Ducla Soares.

    After that each of us draw and painted a boy or a girl from each race.



    We also wrote a letter to the book’s author, Luída Ducla Soares, to tell her how we love reading that book.

    This is the content of our letter:

    Dear author,

    We are Special Education students in Escola Básica Infanta D. Mafalda from Rio Tinto. We loved your story "Children from all the colours” and we are so inspired that we made our own children from the story in design. We learn that we mustn’t put aside the children from other races, which are different from us, because it’s good to be different.  It’ good to be white as a white chocolate, red like love, yellow like honey, brown as the chestnuts and black as a swallow. It’s good to be from all colours, beacuse all of them have nice and beautiful things. We read this story because we are participating in the eTwinning project “Reading, thinking, creating … Action!” with children from different countries, where one of the theme is the racism.

    Kisses and hughs. We hope you’ll visit us some day!

                                                                                                                                   Rio Tinto, 12/01/2013

                                                                                                         Beatriz, Claúdia, Jorge, Leonel, Marta, Paulo, Raul e Tiago


    The author liked so much of our letter and she is so kind that answered us, explaining what led her to write that story.


    Dear partners,

    Today we were retelling the story using the characters we recreate and also imagening what we must do to share the story with you.


    Soon we 'll begin to realize our idea and we are sure you will be delighted with our work. We are anxious to know your stories you are sharing with us.


    Dear partners,

    Yesterday was a very important day for us, because we had the oportunity to present our project during The Reading Marathon organized by our school library, which is participating on the Reading Week 2016, initiative of the National Portuguese Reading Plan.

    We shared with our partners present, in  the  project presentation session the letter sent to us by the author of the book, Luísa Ducla Soares, in which she explains the reason that led her to write this story. Here is one of those partners reading  the letter, that everyone loved.


    The illustrations which we made of the story "Meninos de todas as cores"( "Every Coloured Children") were used in the poster of the Readind Week of our School Group because they are so beautiful and also beacause the week's theme is the following: "Links of reading.... for the comprehension, tolerance and solidarity".  We also participated in the Portuguese Reading Plan contest with this poster.


    Dear partners,

    Today we began retelling the story to share with you as soon as possible...



    Children of all colours, by  Luísa Ducla Soares/ Meninos de todas as cores, de Luísa Ducla Soares



    We have great news! The poster which we participated in the Portuguese Reading Plan contest with won an Honoured Mention. Monday , 6th June, we’ll go to Lisbon in order to receive the prize. As you know and can see, the poster was inspired in our project and in the story we shared with our partners.

    The 6th June,we received from the hands of our Minister of Education, Tiago Brandão Rodrigues, the award concerning to our participation in the contest posters sponsored by the National Reading Plan during the Reading Week. The ceremony took place at the Book Fair in Lisbon, attended by various organs of Social Communication.