Our collaborative story

  • Our main character will be... a girl...



    - mulatto

    -15 years old

    - black very curly and long hair

    - brown eyes

    - tall

    - thick lips

    - thin and slim

    - nice

    - kind

    - likes helping the others (helpful)

    - conceited

    - pretty

    - hardwork

    - studious


    - she lives with her parents and with her paternal grandparents

    - her father is a white man and her mother is a black women

    -she has got a light brown horse

    -she studies in a private school.

    -she likes going out with her friends

    -she likes music and painting

    -she lives in a white people country 

                                                                                        Portuguese sudents from EB Infanta D Mafalda, Rio Tinto


    Now that we have our main character, let's write our collaborative story, using TitanPad: https://titanpad.com/L1909MUAUu


          Turkish students reading our collaborative story and giving its contribution



    As our collaborative story is finishe ..​. and now?

    As our collaborative story is finished, we contacted the “ Ajudaris" association (http://www.ajudaris.org/site/in order to know if they would like to publish our story in the edition they make with children's stories every year. The money of the sale of those books helps childrens with financial problems. This association is interested learning about our project and also in evaluating our collaborative story to publish it. Usually the stories they publishe are illustrated by known designers. (http://www.ajudaris.org/site/historias-da-ajudaris/).


    Portuguese version of our collaborative story