10.4. École Collège Lycée Saint-Bernard, Troyes France

  • Our Final Exhibition for all students.

    Playing the games referenced to QR codes

    I took my 6th grade pupils to the library of our school to discover our exhibition. They loved it. They learnt what sustainable means and they loved playing the games on their phones.  They learnt new words such as "waste", "equality", "poverty"... I made the games even funnier by having them looking for the words on the different posters. It was like a treasure hunt and they really enjoyed it. I'll take my 7th grade at the end of the week. All the pupils of the school have access to the exhibition of course. It's in the middle of the school library so everyone can have a look. Some of my colleagues (for example citizenship teachers) will show the exhibition to their pupils as well.

    Some students chose to present our project for their oral exam. (Brevet National) which is part of the citizen course (there are 4 courses in their curriculum). They have to present the project but also speak about the skills they have improved and the skills they  had already developed in other subjects and which helped them for the project. Here is Chloé's brilliant powerpoint.


    Exhibition of the posters and the games through QR codes in the library for the event "week of Languages" in France. All the school will be able to see the exhibition and play the games with phones or tablets.

    Link to the photos : https://photos.app.goo.gl/22JE9BBUZ4S8JR1e8

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