Online event 30 March 2021

  • After sharing the difficult situation in all countries (all students attending distance learning), we considered a new postponement of the online mobility to Greece but decided to keep the dates

    Mon 12 April time 8/10 from 9 to 10 (as in Portugal school starts at 9 CET)

    Tue 13 April time 10/12

    Wed 14 April 11/13

    Thu15 April time 11/13

     Even if we are aware that some difficulties might occur, we decided to keep the program with more interactive activities. Group of students will connect to their teachers via used tools (google meet/Microsoft teams) and the teacher will connect to Greek organizers.  

    To check connection, all groups will connect on 8th April at 10 am. Link to Greece will follow.

    Official program will follow.