1.2 Work process

  • October: The introduction of the students, teachers and Schools by videos or padlet 

    November: A video of the surrounding cultural, archeological, nature attractions will be presented to the partners. Learning European countries (Purposegames). Preparing the list of countries and capitals, making international teams. Students will select the country and capital for teamwork.

    December:  Forums for international teams will be created to let components interact and present in their teams. Logos proposals and a poll for selection of our project logo. The research about the country will start. 

    January: Research about the country and prepare a trip to the capital. Sights will be mapped to Google Map. Accounts in different platforms will be created for the teams in order to share and discuss the information or make the final product about the trip (presentation or video). Travel budgeting.

    February: Presentations are ready, doing the quiz related to the country (capital). Playing the quizzes.

    March:  A poll to highlight the best things in each product is also programmed. Assessment (by surveymonkey) and a final video of the project should be made

    April: Student’s work results will be presented by videoconference. Project evaluation.