e-Safety and Copyright

  • eSafety and Copyright

    They are two fundamental aspects of every eTwinning project.

    All partner schools have agreed on basic rules to ensure the safety of their students and to pay attention to copyright issues.

    No public page of our project portrays minors in the spotlight; we have group photos but all the photos published are authorized by the parents / guardians through a release for the online publication of images, audio-video of the students.

    All published materials are the property of the participants in the project or the necessary permits for publication have been obtained.



    In all cases where this has been possible, we have used our own or royalty-free images using special online repositories and citing their source.

    Even in the case of the use of music and videos, these are self-produced or without rights.

    All the images, videos and music of our TwinSpace, unless otherwise indicated, come from:

    - ownership of the authors / participants in the project (both teachers and students) who have given permission for their use

    - chosen from educational sites with royalty free

    - already included in the apps used for creating online lessons.

  • Forms

    I.C.S. LA GIUSTINIANA - Roma, Italy

    eTwinning project release

    Anna Teresa Fiori - Lucia Cozzo - I. C. S. La Giustiniana - Roma, Italy

    Disclaimer of photographs and images

    Mehmet Yıldırım-Aynur Kasabalı İlkokulu

    Parental Permission

    Öznur CURA/Ziya Gökalp Primary School


    Gülsüm ACAR/Hayme Hatun Kindergarten/Turkey

    e Twinning parental permissions

    Özgü Albayrak/Fikret Yüzatlı İlkokulu/İstanbul

    Veli izin dilekçeleri

    Özge DOĞAN/Kurtuluş İlkokulu Anasınıfı/ Diyarbakır-Türkiye


    Aslı GEMİCİ / Hayme Hatun Anaokulu / İzmir,Türkiye