Coding between play and didactic activity

The project will aim to raise awareness of the main strategies and to use coding also through information technologies. Coding is the computer programming with which, through particular methodologies, through creativity, emotional involvement and fun, we can teach children. Why teach children programming? Certainly not to ensure their future as programmers, but to make them active and aware in the use of technologies. But more importantly, coding appears to be the most effective avenue for the development of computational thinking. Coding easily allows teachers to apply computational thinking in teaching practice in a more explicit and conscious way. Computational thinking is a method of reasoning, thinking with an algorithmic approach - or method - to solve problems in every area of life, to find innovative and creative solutions to everyday problems. Starting from the difference between a human being and a robot, we want to understand the close link between robots, coding and Computational Thinking, through the game and the practice of coding. "The body lives the experiences of the mind because the child thinks, acts to program and carries out the operations with his body, then reflects and with the mind and with the language, he compares the forecast and what really happens". So it seems necessary to make the acquisition of Computational Thinking, through coding and educational robotics, interesting, fun and engaging thanks to practical, immersive and interactive paths, even in unplugged activities of which girls and boys immediately and intuitively grasp the value, through learning by doing, error teaching (debugging) and the construction of algorithms The project will follow the European campaigns of Europe Code Week and Program the Future.

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