Working Plan


    1.Week September 7-13: Opening the project. Fill in the twinspace pages relating to the PARTNERS section.

    2. Week September 14-20: Preparing Poster, Logo, Wordart for the Project. Fill in the twinspace pages relating to the OUR DESIGNS FOR OUR PROJECTS section. Start of the EU Code Week Deep Dive MOOC 2020 course organized by European Schoolnet Academy.

    3. Week September 21-27:  Fill in the twinspace pages relating to the ACTIVITIES section. Upload the activities to the Europe Code Week activity map.

    4. Week September 28-October 4: Organize the first online meeting with the project partners. Think of joint activities and games to load on the Europe Code Week activity map.

    5. Week October 5-11: Start of Europe Code Week. The proposed games will be loaded on the Europe code Week map and the code for all will be shared. The project partners will work with their pupils on introduction to programming, the language of things and the game of smart inventors. We create a smart object useful to humanity.
    Braistorming (What is coding?)

    6. Week October 12-18: The project partners will work with their pupils on unplugged coding and its potential. Cody Feet, Cody Roby, Cody Color.
    Team games with CodyRoby's cards.
    From coding unplugged to CodyColor online (Royal challenge).
    Pixel Art and Hex Code.

    Cryptography and cryptanalysis.

    7. Week October 19-25: Europe Code Week ends. Carry out all activities.

    8. Week October 26-31:  Final satisfaction surveys of the project for pupils and teachers. Upload the certificates.

    9. Week November 1-7: Final product presentation