Photo album


    Short biography of all the participants


    Some photos taken during activities and also while part of the chasing paper activity


    4th April - Welcoming Ceremony and beginning of activities (Dancing; 'Find Someone Who...' and 'Paper Chase': Tower Clock, Square Alexandre Herculano, Camões Garden, Rivers and Maritime Arts' Museum, Camões' Monument and Constância Main Church)


    5th April - Visiting Tomar (Tomar Foundry, Electric Central, Synagogue, Tourism Office, Matches Museum, Tile Factory and Painting, Convent of Christ); school activities


    6th April - Visiting the Military Campus in Santa Margarida and Fátima Sanctuary


    7th April - Visiting the Butterfly Center  in Santa Margarida; outdoor Portuguese traditional games; visiting and Walking Together through the Biodiversity Station Ribeira da Foz


    8th April - Visiting Constância Living Science Center; finishing project works; farewell dinner and presentation of the projects