e-Safety, Privacy & Copyright

  • Photo by Dayne Topkin on Unsplash

    On this page, we collect information about how each school takes action on e-safety and privacy (e.g. using and sharing of pupils videos and photos on the Internet).



    At the beginning of each school year and each e-Twinning project, we give parents a form to fill in by means of which they consent to the usage of photos and videos of their kids and the material their kids create on condition that their kids' faces are blurred.

    During the project, we create student accounts for Twinspace with safe usernames that don't reveal or suggest our students' identities in any way. Also for their presentation, our pupils create avatars.

    Throughout the school year, as part of our school policy, our students are informed and carry out activities and projects regarding safe navigation and the use of the Internet. 



    In Romania, in our school we have classes on the topic of esafety every year and we create materials which we share with our community.

    We use the school site, liceuldearte.ro and the English blog, englishpagesforyou.com

    We also use the YouTube channle to post videos o different topics regarding students' security both online and offline.



    All the pictures used are taken by the teachers or the pupils or found on websites collecting free-to-use photos and icons (unsplash.com - icons8.com). 

    At the beginning of an eTwinning project, as school policy, the parents are required to fill in a form about the usage of the picture of the children and the materials produced during the activities:

    form ICS 8 Bologna



    Os parceiros portugueses seguiram as orientações sobre segurança na Internet sugeridas no site www.etwinning.pt, no link abaixo.

    eTwinning & Security


    O código de conduta do eTwinning foi analisado pelos grupos de trabalho e seguido por todos. Podemos encontrá-lo em www.etwinning.net, no link abaixo.

    Código de Conduta eTwinning